Grand South Senior Living

Discover the

Discover the difference at Grand South Senior Living – a spacious community featuring an innovative design with upscale amenities, modern technology, and well-appointed apartments.

Grand South is a beautiful place to call home, but our greatest strength is our people. We offer a caring environment that improves the quality of life for our residents and their families.

— Michael Scott Brookins, Owner


Assisted Living

Grand South Assisted Living is long-term apartment living and care for seniors. Assisted living residents are generally active but may need support with the activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, and using the bathroom. 

Seniors in assisted living can expect personalized care, nutritious meals, a wide range of social activities that cater to various interests, and a sense of community in a safe, residential setting.

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Memory Care

In addition to receiving the services offered in our assisted living, Grand South memory care offers a uniquely designed environment for residents facing the challenges of living with memory loss and dementia. 

We focus on improving quality of life, reducing confusion, and preventing wandering. Key services include 24-hour care, specialized staff, memory-enhancing therapies, a secure environment, and more.

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Respite Care – Available Soon

Respite care is a temporary stay program designed for seniors who may need additional assistance while recovering from surgery or transitioning out of a physical rehab facility. This program is also beneficial for caregivers who need a break for personal time or travel. 

Our respite care guests enjoy the same first-class services, engagement opportunities and amenities as our residents, all in the comfort of Grand South Senior Living’s safe and nurturing environment.

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